Monday, June 6, 2011

Zancudo History Lesson

We have heard the tales from long ago....the sounds of....Squealing and Grunting!  What could make such a noise in paradise?

The Golfito port area was developed by the United Fruit Company in the late 1930s and bananas were the number 1 fruit.  The Golfito port area lay just north across the Rio Coto river from Zancudo.  It has been said that Zancudo's beaches were often strewn with excess bananas that washed down the Rio Coto river.  What to do with all those bananas.....PIGS.....they'll eat anything!

So, Zancudo was just one big pig pen where farms were able to thrive using the leftover bananas.  Then, Gringos....that would be people like us, started moving to Zancudo in the 1980's and when Gringos moved in......well, you know how it goes!   That pig pen has got to go somewhere else.  Pigs running wild remain in Zancudo's colorful oral history.

Sherry and Cj spent another week developing a "NEW" list of things to take and wondering how will we handle the rain......all 9 feet of it.  The reason being, we haven't seen a drop of rain here at the farm and our friends in Zancudo are reporting a heavy start to the "WET" season.  There are only 2 seasons in Costa Rica.......Wet and Dry.  The one great thing about the wet season is very few mosquitos Why you ask?...........  They all drown! The larvae can't develop because of the exuberence of the water! Yea for us. After all Zancudo in Spanish means mosquito. Little did we know, but it's not a deal breaker.

Ending this weeks blog with a picture of Heliconia, it grows all through Costa Rica. We plan to have a lot of it in our jungle yard.

1 comment:

  1. CJ
    Thanks for the history lesson. I am sure this will be a great place to live, but I bet the "happy hours" are better on 11th street in KCB. Just how much rain do they get in the "wet" season. That might be the time to hang everything up and travel to the states!
    Linda S
