Monday, October 3, 2011

Butterflies & Good-Byes

Oh Please..........don't think the title is going to reflect a mushy , tear jerking , sentimentally filled blog since we are now staring down just 86 days .  I am NOT , repeat NOT going to say, "Where have the days gone ?"
So let's start with the first word in the title , Butterflies or in Espanol " Mariposas " .  The pictures below are some we have taken and as always we have a favorite ,  the Blue Morpho which we have seen in our Zancudo yard .
Blue Morpho "Good Luck Butterfly"

Zebra Longwing

 This one to the left we spotted on the Osa Penisula  and was quite amazed by the size and colors .
Did not catch their name , but we see alot of them
and now the second word in our title , Good-Byes or in Espanol " Adios ".  We have started getting together with our friends  not so much as an " Adios " but as reassurance that we are not........NUTS or One Bubble Off Center........however many of our friends apparently have always thought all along that we were several bubbles off center.........Hey , everyone has a friend or two maybe three like that......Right .  Apparently we did not know that we were " Those Friends " .  But all is good and we love all of our  " Crazy " friends , and cannot wait to share our Playa Zancudo home with them all . 

This past weekend was really great as we got to have lunch with our Zancudo friends , Carol and Paul in Annapolis, Maryland and talk about life in Zancudo .   We were very fortunate to pull off a two for one that day.........we got to have dinner in Annapolis with our friends Van and Lynn and catch up on their travels and they shared with us their experiences of living out of the country .   We have many more lunches and dinners planned with our friends and family , along with extra time at the gym.........we have no budget for purchasing larger clothes before we leave and to tell the truth........I bought smaller clothing from the end of summer if I can't squeeze into will be a very large banana leaf for me !

Even though the waiting has been the very hardest looking back on those 327 days that have passed from when we made our decision to start a new journey and live a simplier life in a place we call paradise seems to have made the transition so much easier .  Almost all of the loose ends of our life here at the farm have been tied up and we are ready  to sit down to a plate of patacones and a cerveza in Costa Rica just like in the picture below.
Except Pilsen is our Costa Rican Cerveza of choice !

Just so you know.......YES , I did miss last weeks blog .  It was started and still sits in my draft documents .  Why you ask ?  I needed to make a correction on a statistic I stated in the Tuesday , September 20 , 2011 blog  titled " 99 Days and X Marks the Spot ".  The title of the unpublished blog for last week was , "I Stand Corrected"  and here is the excerpt :

In last weeks blog I made a mistake as my wife has so graciously pointed out..........Rainfall totals for September and October average 4 feet not 9 feet . Average annual rainfall for the Southwestern coast of Costa Rica is about 9 feet more or less.    Hey, so I was off by 5 feet , still 4 feet of rain is ALOT of rain in 2 months .    Going to be shopping for some rain gear .  (and back to this weeks blog )

So , on Tuesday of last week I spoke with our friend Sue in Zancudo about the phone line for our house and in general conversation I ask how the " Wet " season is going.  Remember Zancudo has 2 seasons  and the other season is " Dry ".   To our surprise the weather has been amazing with very little rainfall , beautiful days with spectacular sunsets .  The 14 day forecast however for Zancudo showed rain , Rain , RAin , RAIn and more RAIN . all comes down to this....... Don't believe any weather forecast and I should know better because they can't even get the weather right half the time here in the US .   I am deleting my draft blog named " I Stand Corrected " since it pertained mainly to how we would survive days and days of pounding rain on a tin roof..........surely that would make you.........NUTS .

Time for a Pilsen ,  Pura Vida .

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