Sunday, February 19, 2012

Moved In and Out Of Colones

That's right..........we have moved in and we are out of COLONES , ( $$$$$ ) as we over spent our renovation budget..........but life is AWESOME........" Living Outside - Inside "  and it seems especially true when the bats fly in and out of our living room at sunset . 

Yesterday was the last day of wages for our Amigos Roy and Victor who have been so amazing with their skills helping Sherry and I transform this Casa into our home.........even though we did go over budget and still have mucho trabajo ( much work ) ahead of us .  So in just 45 days we are in and this is our home
Casa Sencillo Paraiso February 18, 2012
Front porch has been squared off and a 3 block high wall has been added to each side of the main opening in addition to adding our pavers and rock garden to the front yard.......this was our vision.....take a look in the A - Frame to the hand made railing from mangele with traditional Costa Rican X s in each section.

L - shaped sofa to the right side and dining table to the left side
Lounge area center of our home

The picture above is the main lounge area of our Casa , with bi - fold gates to each side , the 2nd L - shaped sofa to the left behind our really comfortable Costa Rican Leather and Wood Rocking esposa has yet to get the RECLINER .  Our kitchen is straight back from the  lounge area with our bedroom and bano to the right and the guest bedroom and bano to the left .

Lounge area with hand made ladder to loft over the Cucina
The answer is NO.........Are there SCREENS ?  Both bedrooms and bathrooms are fully screened and we do have a ceiling in the kitchen along with screens on the 2 windows . 

The answer is YES.........Are there mosquitos , no sees , frogs , lizards / geckos , bats , and the 1 zillion ants..........I usually just leave a small piece of fruit in the frying pan about an hour before we start cooking just to attract several thousand ants in the pan just to add protein to our I said before in an earlier can try to kill them or just eat them.......taste really great in rice dishes with soy.

Lounge area with L - shaped sofa
Just so you know........we do sit here in the evenings with no problem with insects listening to 98.1 from Seacrets in Ocean City..........Thanks to great internet.
Looking up to the front rail from the lounge

You can not imagine how beautiful the room is at sunset filling the center of our Casa with amazing light .  At times it seemed as though we were not going to get through the renovations especially on the days when we had 3 yard workers speaking only Spanish , Roy and Victor speaking Spanish that Sherry and I understood half the time , an electrician or 2 who only spoke Italian, along with 2 men working on the gates system 1 of which we still don't know how to pronounce his name so you know I was drawing alot of pictures and doing some wild gesturing just to get the point you know why on so many of the shopping trips it was important to stock up on Vodka and Cerveza.......just for days like that .  But now we are settling into our daily routine and it looks as though frog extraction in the mornings has to be added to the list...........these are those 2 pound frogs not the cute little colorful ones that me esposa likes........I promise a picture in a future Blog .  How wonderful life is I will close with a picture of our neighborhood friends who live just beyond the jungles edge and on occasions the Palm trees in our front yard.......just don't look up with your mouth open......

Just 2 of the approximately 30 + that visit our yard
I should have paid more attention to the signs at the Zoo especially the one the said , " Don't Feed The Monkeys "    Pura Vida


  1. Nice photos and updates of the move-in. If some of your friends were in trouble with the law in Delaware could they hide out down there without fear of "the man?"
    (Dave wanted to know).
