Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6 Days and A Wake Up

Our son never counted the day you fly out as it was called  " A Wake Up " that being from his service in the Army and stationed in South Korea , Iraq and Afganistan .  So , Thank You Kyle for the title and your service to this country for we only have 6 Days and A Wake Up before our life on Playa Zancudo starts .  

Writing the Blog has saved us 1 or 2 visits to a therapist , providing  us an avenue to express and share our feelings and along the way a laugh .  I will not lie , I have questioned our decision to make this journey and shed a tear..........Okay ,  yes I have cried like a baby especially when I think about our kids and friends we will not see as often .   Thanks to Skype and Facetime our family and friends will be able to see those large mosquito bites on mi esposa........yes I am laughing and yes I am sure I will pay for that comment and for each and every mosquito bite she gets .

So this week is the last week I will be writing from the comfort of our home here on the farm and I wanted to share a picture of our home . 

Good-bye Country Life

........and just a refresher picture of our destination to our jungle home just steps from the Golfo Dulce

Hello Jungle Life
So you think we need a THERAPIST  NOW ? 

One good thing this year for Santa , he will be delivering our grandsons presents to the farm house cause I don't think our roof on our Zancudo home could hold the sleigh and 8 reindeer .    Pura Vida


  1. Love reading your blog. Sorry we ever got a chance to connect.Happy Holidays and good luck in your new life.

  2. CJ and Sherry... Have a safe trip. I can't wait to visit and help you with your little part of heaven. Take care and hope to see you soon.
    Love ya both, Cindy

  3. "Green Acres - The Next Generation"
